Courses C to C
- Clinical Facilitation: Essential Skills and Principles
- Clinton Institute - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- Clinton Institute - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Clinton Institute - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership Management
- Clinton Institute - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- Clinton Institute - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Clinton Institute - SIT40422 Certificate IV in Hospitality
- Clinton Institute - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Clinton Institute - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management (Cookery stream)
- Clinton Institute - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management (Tourism stream)
- Clinton Institute - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Cookery stream)
- Clinton Institute - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Tourism stream)
- Clip Joint Education - SHB20121 Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics
- Clip Joint Education - SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant
- Clip Joint Education - SHB30221 Certificate III in Make-Up
- Clip Joint Education - SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing
- Clip Joint Education - SHB30516 Certificate III in Barbering
- Clip Joint Education - SHB40216 Certificate IV in Hairdressing
- Clip Joint Education - SHB50216 Diploma of Salon Management
- CMNL Academy - SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
- CMNL Academy - SITHFAB025 Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee
- CMNL Academy - SITHGAM022 Provide Responsible Gambling Services
- Coal Train - AHCBIO203 Inspect and Clean Machinery, Tools and Equipment to Preserve Biosecurity
- Coal Train - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- Coal Train - BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- Coal Train - BSB40920 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice
- Coal Train - BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
- Coal Train - HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- Coal Train - MSMWHS216 Operate Breathing Apparatus
- Coal Train - MSMWHS217 Gas Test Atmospheres
- Coal Train - RII20120 Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure Work Preparation
- Coal Train - RII30820 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations
- Coal Train - RIIMPO301E Conduct Hydraulic Excavator Operations
- Coal Train - RIIMPO317F Conduct Roller Operations
- Coal Train - RIIMPO318F Conduct Civil Construction Skid Steer Loader Operations
- Coal Train - RIIMPO319E Conduct Backhoe/Loader Operations
- Coal Train - RIIMPO320F Conduct Civil Construction Excavator Operations
- Coal Train - RIIMPO321F Conduct Civil Construction Wheeled Front End Loader Operations
- Coal Train - RIIMPO323E Conduct Civil Construction Dozer Operations
- Coal Train - RIIMPO324F Conduct Civil Construction Grader Operations
- Coal Train - RIIMPO325E Conduct Civil Construction Scraper Operations
- Coal Train - RIIMPO337E Conduct Articulated Haul Truck Operations
- Coal Train - RIIRIS402E Carry Out the Risk Management Process
- Coal Train - RIISAM202E Isolate and Access Plant
- Coal Train - RIIVEH201E Operate a Light Vehicle
- Coal Train - RIIWHS202E Enter and Work in Confined Spaces
- Coal Train - RIIWHS204E Work Safely at Heights
- Coal Train - RIIWHS401E Supervise Work in Confined Spaces
- Coal Train - SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality
- Coal Train - SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
- Coal Train - SITSS00080 Espresso Machine Operation
- Coal Train - TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- Coal Train - TAESS00015 Enterprise Trainer and Assessor Skill Set
- Codecademy - Apply Natural Language Processing with Python
- Codecademy - Build a Machine Learning Model
- Codecademy - Build a Machine Learning Pipeline
- Codecademy - Build Chatbots with Python
- Codecademy - Build Deep Learning Models with TensorFlow
- Codecademy - Code Foundations
- Codecademy - Data and Programming Foundations for AI
- Codecademy - Getting Started with Natural Language Processing
- Codecademy - Language Models in Python: Generative Text
- Codecademy - Learn Advanced Python 3
- Codecademy - Learn ASP.NET
- Codecademy - Learn Bash Scripting
- Codecademy - Learn Bootstrap
- Codecademy - Learn C#
- Codecademy - Learn C++
- Codecademy - Learn Color Design
- Codecademy - Learn CSS
- Codecademy - Learn CSS: Responsive Design
- Codecademy - Learn Git & GitHub
- Codecademy - Learn How to Code
- Codecademy - Learn HTML
- Codecademy - Learn Intermediate Python 3
- Codecademy - Learn Java
- Codecademy - Learn JavaScript
- Codecademy - Learn jQuery
- Codecademy - Learn MongoDB
- Codecademy - Learn Navigation Design
- Codecademy - Learn PHP
- Codecademy - Learn Python 3
- Codecademy - Learn R
- Codecademy - Learn Ruby
- Codecademy - Learn Ruby on Rails
- Codecademy - Learn Sass
- Codecademy - Learn SQL
- Codecademy - Machine Learning/AI Engineer
- COFFEE - SITXFSA005 - Barista Coffee & Food Handler’s Job Ready
- Collaboration Learning - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- Collaboration Learning - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Business Administration)
- Collaboration Learning - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement)
- Collaboration Learning - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration)
- Collaboration Learning - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
- Collaboration Learning - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business (Leadership)
- Collaboration Learning - BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- Collaboration Learning - BSB40920 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice
- Collaboration Learning - BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
- Collaboration Learning - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- Collaboration Learning - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Collaboration Learning - CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Collaboration Learning - CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services
- Collaboration Learning - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)
- Collaboration Learning - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)
- Collaboration Learning - CHC33021 CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing & Disability)
- Collaboration Learning - CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- Collaboration Learning - CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support
- Collaboration Learning - CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health
- Collaboration Learning - CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- Collaboration Learning - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
- Collaboration Learning - TLI30321 Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations
- College Australia - BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills
- College Australia - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- College Australia - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
- College Australia - BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business
- College Australia - BSB40420 Certificate IV in Human Resource Management
- College Australia - BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- College Australia - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- College Australia - BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management
- College Australia - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- College Australia - BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
- College Australia - CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services
- College Australia - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
- College Australia - HLT23221 Certificate II in Health Support Services
- College Australia - HLT33021 Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance
- College Australia - HLT43021 Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance
- College Australia - HLT47321 Certificate IV in Health Administration
- College Australia - HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- College Australia - HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- College Australia - HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
- College Australia - SIR20216 Certificate II in Retail Services
- College Australia - SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail
- College Australia - SIT20122 Certificate II in Tourism
- College Australia - SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality
- College Australia - SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality
- College Australia - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- College Australia - SIT40422 Certificate IV in Hospitality
- College Australia - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- College Australia - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- College Australia - SITHFAB021 Responsible Service of Alcohol
- College Australia - SITHGAM022 Provide Responsible Gambling Services
- College Australia - SITSS00069 Food Safety Supervision Skill Set
- College for Adult Learning - 10904NAT Diploma of Social Media Marketing
- College for Adult Learning - BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business
- College for Adult Learning - BSB40420 Certificate IV in Human Resource Management
- College for Adult Learning - BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership & Management
- College for Adult Learning - BSB40820 Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication
- College for Adult Learning - BSB40920 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice
- College for Adult Learning - BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Business Development)
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Compliance)
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Leadership)
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Operations)
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Organisational Development)
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Procurement)
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Records and Information Management)
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Records and Information Management) (Specialising in Health Administration)
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50320 & BSB50120 Dual Diploma of Human Resource Management & Diploma of Business (Operations)
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50620 Diploma of Marketing and Communication
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management (Specialising in Construction)
- College for Adult Learning - BSB50920 Diploma of Quality Auditing
- College for Adult Learning - BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
- College for Adult Learning - BSB60120 Advanced Diploma of Business
- College for Adult Learning - BSB60320 Advanced Diploma of Human Resource Management
- College for Adult Learning - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- College for Adult Learning - CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
- College for Adult Learning - CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Site Management)
- College for Adult Learning - CPC40320 Certificate IV in Building Project Support (Contract Administrator)
- College for Adult Learning - CPC40320 Certificate IV in Building Project Support (Estimator)
- College for Adult Learning - CPC50320 Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)
- College for Adult Learning - HLT47321 Certificate IV in Health Administration
- College for Adult Learning - HLT57715 Diploma of Practice Management
- College for Adult Learning - TLI50221 Diploma of Logistics
- College of Electrical Training - 52912WA Course in Electrical Trade Licensing
- College of Electrical Training - UEE20120 Certificate II in Split-Air Conditioning
- College of Electrical Training - UEE22020 Electrical Pre-Apprenticeship
- College of Electrical Training - UEE30820 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
- College of Electrical Training - UEE33020 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting
- College of Electrical Training - UEEDV0005 Open Cabler Registration Course
- College of Electrical Training - UEEDV0008 Cat 5/6/7 and Coax Endorsement
- College of Public Employment - LGA30120 Certificate III in Local Government
- College of Public Employment - LGA40120 Certificate IV in Local Government
- College of Public Employment - LGA50120 Diploma of Local Government
- College of Sound and Music Production - CUA20220 Certificate II in Creative Industries
- College of Therapy Yoga and Zen Shiatsu - 10138NAT Advanced Diploma of Remedial Yoga Therapy
- College of Therapy Yoga and Zen Shiatsu - 10932NAT Certificate IV in Yoga Therapy Teaching
- College of Therapy Yoga and Zen Shiatsu - HLT52215 Diploma of Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies
- College of Transformation, Education and Training - BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- College of Transformation, Education and Training - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- College of Transformation, Education and Training - CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services
- College of Transformation, Education and Training - CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling
- College of Transformation, Education and Training - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
- College of Transformation, Education and Training - CHC53315 Diploma of Mental Health
- College of Transformation, Education and Training - SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing
- College of Transformation, Education and Training - SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail
- College of Transformation, Education and Training - SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality